Monday, June 18, 2007

Please help me take the supplies we need

OK. Here goes the begging part. This is an outright request for money to help us on our project at Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity Children's Home. I will carry with me some of the materials and supplies to work directly with the children as well as books and supplies to teach the staff at the Autism Society of Kenya Primary School. We will, however, purchase most of what we need in Nairobi. We are doing that because much of what we need will be difficult to transport but we also want to support the local economy. We know that there is little point in providing materials that cannot be replaced from the local shops. We also want to provide materials that are relevant to the children in Kenya, not those that represent American people and values. Therefore we take and buy the simplest of things, not fancy schmancy stuff like we use in American schools.

This is a partial list of things I will need in my work and what your donated dollars will buy:

$50 will buy one or two books for the staff at the primary school to help them learn more about appropriate ways to teach children with autism. I am taking several books that I have already read and no longer need but we need to buy others that are new and specifically relevant to people who are just learning about autism.

$30 will buy a color ink cartridge to print out teaching materials to take along.

$20 will buy a durable foam alphabet puzzle. (Yes, the children learn English)

$20 will buy a durable foam number puzzle.

$10 will buy two alphabet or number classroom charts.

$5 will buy a dozen thick primary pencils, a set of flash cards, a children's book, or a simple puzzle that a severely challenged child can use to occupy his time appropriately so he doesn't need to be tied down.

$2 will buy a dozen plain yellow pencils, two pencil tablets, or a plastic shoe box to organize the materials to teach the severely disabled children.

We will also supply bedding, clothing, hygiene supplies, paint, and therapy equipment if we have enough money to buy it.

You can send me a check (you know my address) made out to Soulfari Kenya or you can go to and make a direct donation on your credit card. Please indicate, if possible, that your donation is to support the autism project.

I have done extra workshops and consultations during the past year to pay for my own travel expenses so not a penny of your donation will go to pay for my travel or expenses. Please help me help the women and children from the slums of Kenya.

God Bless.

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